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Back You are here: Home Library Part three: Practices of hajj Chapter Nine: Ramy of the Three Jamarahs

Chapter Nine: Ramy of the Three Jamarahs

Chapter Nine: Ramy of the Three Jamarahs

It is the 13th obligation of hajj and the 5th practice at Minā. Ramy of the 3 jamarahs being the same in its method and conditions, as the mentioned ramy of Jamarah al-‘Aqabah (the big) on the day of ‘Ä«d.
Issue 382. It is obligatory to stone the three Jamarahs (the first, the medium and the ‘Aqabah) during the days after those nights on which mabÄ«t is obligatory.

Issue 383. The time limit for ramy is from sunrise till maghrib. Thus, it is impermissible, in normal conditions, to do it during the night. From this ruling a shepherd and anyone with an excuse, like fear about their money, life or honor, being excluded. Weak individuals like women, old men and children who are afraid of heavy crowds are also excluded and are allowed to do ramy at night.
Issue 384. One who is only excused from doing ramy during the day not the night , is not allowed to appoint a na'ib for ramy but he / she must do ramy by himself on the night before or the night after that day. While those who are excused from ramy even at night, e.g. sick persons, are allowed to do have a na'ib for that. However, it is based on obligatory caution, to do ramy by oneself on the next night if the excuse no longer exists.
Issue 385. If an excused person had appointed a na'ib for ramy, the nā’ib had done it and then the excuse no longer exists before the time limit ramy is over, in such a case if while appointing the na'ib one he was hopeless about the disappearance of the excuse till the nā’ib had done the ramy, the ramy would be valid and he / she is not obliged to repeat it. While one who was hopeful that the excuse may have disappeared, must repeat it by himself / herself if the excuse is off even if he / she was allowed to have a na'ib for that.
Issue 386. Ramy of the 3 Jamarahs is obligatory but it is not a rukn in hajj.
Issue 387. Succession in ramy is obligatory i.e. to start with the first Jamarah then the medium and finally the ‘Aqabah. One should throw seven pebbles at each Jamarah according to the method previously mentioned.
Issue 388. If one forgot the ramy of the 3 Jamarahs and left Minā, then if they remembered during the days of tashrÄ«q, they would be obliged to return to Minā and do ramy by themselves if they were able; otherwise they must find a an'ib to do so. While if one remembered after those days or they had deliberately delayed ramy until the days of tashrÄ«q had lapsed, it is based on obligatory caution to return and do ramy by themselves or send a na'ib for this purpose, then to do qaḍā’ of ramy the next year even by appointing a na'ib for that. If one forgot ramy of the 3 jamarahs until one left Mecca, it is based on obligatory caution to do its qaḍā’ the next year even by sending a na'ib to do that.
Issue 389. It is permissible to throw pebbles at the 3 Jamarahs from their four sides and it is not a condition to face the qiblah during stoning the first and the medium, or to put one's back to the qiblah during throwing the pebbles at the Jamarah al-‘Aqabah (the big).

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