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1. Ihraam of the Tamattu? Hajj

1. Ihraam of the Tamattu? Hajj

398. The first of the Hajj rites is the ihraam, which is obligatory for the Tamattu? Hajj, and in fact it is a rukn ? a principal element, and the Hajj is invalidated if deliberately abandoned.
399. The process of the ihraam is the same as that for the Umrah, as mentioned previously, with the exception of the niyyah and the place of [declaring and assuming] ihraam. The niyyah or intention is to state, ?I declare and assume the ihraam for the TAMATTU' HAJJ seeking nearness to Allah Almighty?. As for the place of ihraam, one must do so in the holy city of Makkah.

400. The first time one can declare and assume the ihraam is after completing the rites of Umrah, and the time of [declaring] ihraam extends to the ninth day of Dhil-Hejjah, which is the day of woquf in Arafaat, when it becomes obligatory upon the pilgrim to declare and assume ihraam so that he can observe the woquf in time.
401. [The pilgrim] declares and assumes the state of ihraam for the Tamattu? Hajj from the holy city of Makkah, and it is preferable to do so from Masgid al-Haraam, preferably from Hijr Isma?el or Maqaam Ibrahim peace be upon them. He should wear the two garments of ihraam, and then declares the niyyah of ihraam for the Hajj as mentioned previously, and then utters the talbiyah as previously mentioned. [Case # 166].
402. If one forgot to declare and assume the ihraam from the holy city of Makkah, and he left Makkah on the eighth day for Mina or Arafaat, and then remembered the oversight, it is obligatory for him to return to Makkah to declare and assume the ihraam there. The same applies if he left Makkah without declaring and assuming ihraam due to not being conversant with the ruling of the case. He should return to Makkah to declare ihraam there, if possible.
403. He who is obliged to return to Makkah to declare and assume ihraam, if he is excused from doing so, or in doing so he would not be able to come back to Arafaat in time for the Designated (ikhtiari)[29] woquf on the ninth day, which is from noon to sunset, he must declare and assume the ihraam from the spot remembered or realised this, and this would be sufficient for him.
404. If one did not remember his failure to declare and assume ihraam until after completing all of the rites, his Hajj is correct if this was due to oversight or ignorance.
405. If one deliberately failed to declare and assume ihraam until he missed the time for the two woquf?s, his Hajj is invalidated, and so too if one had not assumed ihraam, due to oversight or ignorance, and after being reminded he did not declare and assume ihraam when it was possible for him to do so.

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