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Some Traditions that Appear to Conflict with Hadith al­Thaqalayn - Mu`adh ibn Jabal is the most knowledgeable among you regarding halal and haram.

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"Mu`adh ibn Jabal is the most knowledgeable among you regarding halal and haram."

Another tradition advanced in this context by Shah `Abd al-`Aziz is:

    Mu`adh ibn Jabal is the most knowledgeable among you regarding halal and haram.

Sayyid Hamid Husayn points out that it has exclusively been narrated by the Sunnis. Muslim and al-Bukhari, although their traditions do not constitute any binding evidence for the Shi`ah, have avoided it in their compilations. Among a number of Sunni authorities who have considered it as weak or baseless are:

    Ibn Taymiyyah,
    Ibn `Abd al-Hadi,
    al-Dhahabi, and

Among its narrators, Muhammad ibn `Abd al-Rahman al­Baylamani, his father, Zayd al-`Ammi, Salim ibn Salim have been considered unreliable by several authorities on hadith and rijal, among them:

    Ibn Hajar,
    Ibn al-Jawzi and others.

Moreover, there are episodes recorded in Ibn Sa`d's al-Tabaqat, iii, 585 and Ibn `Abd al-Barr's al-'Isti`ab, iii, 1404 which indicate that Mu`adh did not possess the kind of competence claimed for him in the above tradition.


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