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The Poets (al-Shu’ara) -26


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 26
26 Ash-Shu‘ara’

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Ta, Sin, Mim.
2. These are the verses of the manifest Book.
3. You may kill yourself grieving for their disbelief,
4. But if We will, We can reveal a sign from heavens to them and keep their necks bent thereto;
5. No reminder comes to them from the Beneficent save they turn aside therefrom.
6. Indeed they rejected it; so soon the tidings of what they mock shall come to them.
7. Do not they behold the earth and see how many of every noble kind We have planted therein?
8. In that, is a sign, but most of them (still) do not believe.
9. Your Lord is certainly the Almighty, the all-Merciful.
10. When your Lord called upon Moses: “Go to the unjust people,
11. “The people of Pharaoh; will they not fear God?”
12. He (Moses) said: “Lord! I dread their calling me a liar!
13. “And my bosom becomes straitened, and my tongue tied; so, send Aaron (to my aid).
14. “And they have against me a crime, and I fear they may slay me.”
15. He (God) said: “No! Go, both of you, with Our signs; verily We are with you listening.
16. “So go to Pharaoh and say: `We are messengers of the Lord of the worlds;
17. “Send, therefore, the children of Israel with us.’”
18. He (Pharaoh) said: “Did we not cherish you as a child, and did you not dwell amongst us for years?
19. “Till you did what you did? You are ungrateful.”
20. He (Moses) said: “I did it when I did not yet receive guidance;
21. “So I fled from you when I feared you; then my Lord granted me authority and made me a messenger.
22. “And is it a favour of which you remind me that you enslaved the children of Israel?”
23. Pharaoh said: “What is this `Lord of the world?’”
24. He (Moses) said: “The Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them both, if you can rest assured.”
25. (Pharaoh) said to those around him: “Do you hear this?”
26. He (Moses) said: “He is your Lord and the Lord of your fathers of old.”
27. He said: “Verily, the `messenger’ sent to you is insane.”
28. He (Moses) said: “He is the Lord of the east and the west and what is between them both, if only you reason.”
29. He (Pharaoh) said: “Should you take a god other than myself, I will certainly imprison you.”
30. He (Moses) said: “Even if I bring you a manifest (proof)?”
31. He (Pharaoh) said: “Bring it if you are truthful.”
32. So he threw his staff down, and lo, it was a manifest serpent,
33. And he drew his hand out, and lo, it seemed white (radiating) to the beholders.
34. He (Pharaoh) said to the chiefs around him: “This is certainly a skilled sorcerer;
35. “He intends to drive you out of your land with his sorcery; what then is your counsel?”
36. They said: “Give him and his brother a respite, and dispatch heralds into the cities,
37. “So that they may bring you all the well-versed sorcerers.”
38. So did the sorcerers assemble at the appointed time on an announced day.
39. People were asked: “Will you all assemble?
40. “Haply we may follow the sorcerers should they triumph.”
41. When the sorcerers came to Pharaoh, they asked: “Is there a reward for us if we triumph?”
42. He (Pharaoh) said: “Yes, indeed, and you shall be the nearest (to me).”
43. Moses said to them: “Cast whatever you have to cast.”
44. They cast down their cords and rods and said: “By Pharaoh’s dignity, we shall certainly be triumphant.”
45. Then Moses cast down his staff, and lo, it swallowed all that they falsely displayed.
46. The sorcerers flung themselves prostrating.
47. They said: “We believe in the Lord of the worlds;
48. “The Lord of Moses and Aaron.”
49. He (Pharaoh) said: “Have you believed in him even before I grant you permission? He is your chief who taught you sorcery; so, soon shall you know. I shall certainly cut your hands and feet from opposite sides, and I will certainly crucify all of you.”
50. They said: “(We fear) no harm; verily we shall return to our Lord.
51. “We certainly wish that our Lord will pardon our wrong- doings, for we are the first to believe.”
52. We revealed unto Moses: “Go forth with My servants by night; you will certainly be pursued.”
53. Then Pharaoh sent heralds into the cities,
54. Saying: “These (Israelites) are only a small group,
55. “And they have enraged us exceedingly,
56. “And we are a multitude, forewarned.”
57. So We turned them out of gardens and fountain-springs,
58. Treasures and goodly dwellings;
59. Thus (did We punish them), and We made the children of Israel their heirs.
60. Then they pursued them at sunrise.
61. When the two parties stood face to face, those with Moses said: “Indeed we are caught!”
62. He (Moses) said: “No; surely my Lord is with me. Soon will He guide me (to safety).”
63. Then We inspired to Moses: “Strike the sea with your staff;” then it cleft asunder, and each part (of the water stood) like a huge mountain.
64. Then We drew near the others,
65. And We saved Moses and all those with him.
66. And We drowned the others.
67. Indeed in this is a sure sign; yet most of them do not believe.
68. Certainly your Lord is the Almighty, the all-Merciful.
69. And recite to them the story of Abraham.
70. He said to his father and people: “What do you worship?”
71. They said: “Idols do we worship, and we shall forever be their devotees.”
72. He (Abraham) said: “Do they hear you when you invoke?
73. “Or do they profit or harm you?”
74. They said: “Nay; we found our fathers doing so.”
75. “Have you then come to see what you have been worshipping,
76. “You and your fathers of old?
77. “Indeed they are my enemies; the Lord of the worlds is not.
78. “He Who created me shall guide me;
79. “He feeds me and provides me with drink;
80. “When I fall ill, He heals me;
81. “He causes me to die, and then He brings me to life (again).
82. “And I am hopeful that He will forgive my faults on the Day of Judgment.
83. “Lord! Grant me authority, and unite me with the righteous,
84. “And let my tongue utter truth to the posterity,
85. “And make me an heir of the garden of bliss,
86. “And forgive my father; verily he was among those who strayed.
87. “And do not disgrace me on the day when they are raised again,
88. “On the day when no wealth or sons are of avail,
89. “Save him who comes to God with a submitting heart.”
90. The garden of bliss was brought to the pious,
91. While Hell shall lay open for those who stray.
92. It shall be said to them: “Where are those whom you used to worship,
93. “Besides God? Can they help you, or can they help their own selves?”
94. So both they and those who stray shall be hurled into the Fire,
95. And Satan’s hosts, too, all together.
96. While wrangling therein among themselves, they shall say:
97. “By God! We were in manifest error;
98. “When we equated you with the Lord of the worlds,
99. “None beguiled us save the guilty ones;
100. “Now we have no intercessors,
101. “Nor any loving friend;
102. “If there is a chance for us to return, we would surely believe.”
103. Indeed in this is a sign, yet most of them do not believe.
104. Your Lord is truly Almighty, the all-Merciful.
105. Noah’s people called the messengers (of God) liars.
106. Their brother Noah said to them: “Will you not guard (yourselves against evil)?
107. “I am truly a trusted messenger;
108. “Therefore, fear God and obey me.
109. “I ask you no recompense for it, for my recompense is only with the Lord of the worlds.
110. “So guard (yourselves against evil), and obey me.”
111. They said: “Shall we believe in you while none followed you except those who are the most base (in status) among us?”
112. He (Noah) said: “How should I know what they do?
113. “Their reckoning is with my Lord, if only you know.
114. “I am not here to drive the believers away;
115. “I am but an open warner.”
116. They said: “If you, Noah, do not desist, you shall surely be stoned to death.”
117. He (Noah) said: “Lord! They have surely rejected me.
118. “So decide between me and them, and deliver me and the believers with me.”
119. So We delivered him and those with him in the laden ark.
120. Then We drowned the rest afterwards.
121. Indeed in this is a sign, but most of them do not believe.
122. Your Lord is certainly Almighty, all-Merciful.
123. The (people of) Ad rejected the messengers.
124. Their brother Hud said to them: “Will you not fear God?
125. “Indeed I am to you a trusted messenger,
126. “So guard (yourselves against the wrath of) God, and obey me.
127. “I ask you for no recompense; my recompense is only with the Lord of the worlds.
128. “Do you build on every height a monument for your vanity?
129. “And you raise strong mansions as if you will abide therein forever?
130. “And when you seize (any) by force, you seize as tyrants.
131. “So guard (yourselves against the Wrath of) God, and obey me,
132. “And fear Him Who has bestowed abundantly on you of what you do not know.
133. “He has provided you with plenty of cattle and children,
134. “And gardens, and springs,
135. “Verily I fear for you against the chastisement of a grievous day.”
136. They said: “It is same to us if you admonish us or not;
137. “This (threatening) is but the manner of the ancient;
138. “And we shall never be penalized.”
139. So they rejected him; therefore, We destroyed them. In this is a sign, yet most of them do not believe.
140. Your Lord is certainly Almighty, all-Merciful.
141. Thamud rejected the messengers (of God),
142. Their brother Salih said to them: “Will you not guard (yourselves against evil)?
143. “Verily, I am to you a trusted messenger;
144. “So fear God and obey me;
145. “And I ask no recompense for it; my recompense is only with the Lord of the worlds;
146. “Will you be left here forever secure,
147. “In gardens and springs,
148. “And cornfields and palm-trees with fine species?
149. “You exaltingly carve dwellings out of the mountains,
150. “So fear God and obey me,
151. “And do not obey the extravagant,
152. “Those who cause mischief in the earth and do not reform.”
153. They said: “Surely you are only bewitched;
154. “You are but a man like us; so, bring a sign if you are truthful.”
155. He said: “Behold! This is a she-camel; it shall have her drink and you yours, (each) on an appointed day.
156. “Do not touch her with evil lest the torment of a grievous day touches you.”
157. Then they hamstrung her and turned regretful.
158. So the chastisement seized them; verily in this is a sign, yet most of them do not believe.
159. And your Lord is the Almighty, the all-Merciful.
160. The people of Lot rejected the messengers (of God).
161. Their brother Lot said to them: “Will you fear God?
162. “Indeed, I am a trusted messenger sent to you;
163. “Therefore, fear God and obey me;
164. “I seek no reward from you but from the Lord of the worlds.
165. “Do you approach males of the world,
166. “Leaving the wives your Lord has created for you? Nay, you are people who transgress.”
167. They said: “If you do not desist, O Lot, you shall surely be expelled.”
168. He (Lot) said: “Verily I abhor your deeds.
169. “Lord! Deliver me and my family from what they do.”
170. So We delivered him and all his family,
171. Except an old woman who tarried behind.
172. Then We destroyed all others.
173. And We showered down upon them rain, and evil was the rain that showered the warned folks.
174. Indeed in this is a sign, but most of them (still) do not believe.
175. And certainly your Lord is Almighty, all-Merciful.
176. Dwellers of the forest (too) rejected the messengers (of God).
177. Shu’ayb said to them: “Will you fear God?
178. “Verily I am a trusted messenger (sent) to you;
179. “So fear God and obey me.
180. “I seek no recompense from you but from the Lord of the worlds.
181. “Give accurate measure and do not decrease it;
182. “And correctly weigh with accurate balances.
183. “And do not defraud people’s goods, and do not fill the earth with your mischief.
184. “Fear Him Who created you and all the races of old.”
185. They said: “Indeed you are among those who are bewitched;
186. “You are but a man like us, and we think you are a liar;
187. “So cause a part of heaven to fall down upon us, if you are truthful.”
188. He (Shu’ayb) said: “My Lord knows best what you do.”
189. But they rejected him, so the chastisement of a day of cloud seized them; that was a torment of a mighty day.
190. In this there is a sign, but most of them do not believe.
191. And your Lord is surely Almighty, all-Merciful.
192. It (Qur’an) is surely a revelation from the Lord of the worlds.
193. The Trusted Spirit (Gabriel) brought it down,
194. Upon your heart (O Our Prophet Muhammad) so that you warn.
195. Thereby, in plain Arabic;
196. Indeed it is (foretold) in the scriptures of yore.
197. Is it not a sign to them that is recognized by the learned ones among the children of Israel?
198. Had We sent it down to outlanders,
199. Then he would have recited it unto them, and they would have (still) disbelieved it.
200. Thus do We cause it to pass through the hearts of the guilty;
201. They will never believe in it till they behold the grievous torment.
202. It shall come upon them suddenly, before they perceive;
203. Then they shall say: “Shall we have a respite?”
204. Do they truly seek to hasten Our chastisement?!
205. Have you seen how We provided them with means of enjoyment for years,
206. Then that which they were promised came to them,
207. The enjoyment wherewith they were provided availed them naught.
208. We destroyed no town without first sending warners to it,
209. And something to remember. And We never dealt with them unjustly.
210. The devils did not descend down with it.
211. It does not behove them, nor are they potent to do so.
212. They are furthermost distanced even from hearing it.
213. So do not invoke any god with God lest you should be among the chastised ones.
214. And warn your tribe that is the nearest in kin.
215. And be kind unto that who follows you of the believers.
216. But if they disobey you, then say: “I surely dissociate myself from what you do.”
217. And rely on the Almighty, the all-Merciful,
218. Who beholds you when you stand,
219. And witnesses your movements among those who prostrate (in obeisance to God).
220. Indeed He is the all-Hearing, the all-Knowing.
221. Shall I inform you upon whom do the devils descend?
222. They descend upon everyone lying and sinful;
223. They (eagerly) lend their ears, and most of them are liars.
224. And the poets are followed by the erring ones,
225. Do you not witness how they wander in every valley, bewildered?
226. And that they say what they do not actually do,
227. Save those who believe and do good deeds, quite often remembering God, defending themselves when they are oppressed. Soon shall those who deal with others unjustly come to know what an evil turning their (lot shall) turn.

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