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Back You are here: Home Eternal Words The Holy Qur'an English Translation The Inevitable Event (Al-Waqi’ah) -56

The Inevitable Event (Al-Waqi’ah) -56


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 56
56 Al-Waqi‘a

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. When the (momentous) Event takes place,
2. No belying there shall be for its happening.
3. Abasing, Exalting.
4. When the earth is shaken with a (tremendous) shaking,
5. And the mountains crumbled a terrible crumbling,
6. And they shall become scattered dust,
7. And you shall be three kinds:
8. Then the people of the right - O What (happiness awaits) the people of the right!
9. And the people of the left-Ah! Wretched are the people of the left!
10. And (thirdly) the foremost (in faith and virtue) shall be the first (to receive their reward),
11. These are they who shall be brought closer (to God),
12. In the gardens of bliss:
13. Many from the first (group),
14. And a few of the latter (third) one;
15. On couches encrusted, bedecked,
16. Reclining face to face,
17. Around shall go about (serving them) youths of unchanging bloom,
18. With goblets and ewers, and a cup of pure drink,
19. Their brows ache not from it, nor their sense fails,
20. And fruits of any that they choose,
21. And the meat of fowls of what they like,
22. And the houris (maidens pure) with large, lustrous (lovely) eyes,
23. Like pearls hidden (in their shells):
24. (Such is) the recompense for what they used to do.
25. They shall hear no frivolity therein, nor any taint of sin,
26. (None) save: “Peace!” and ever “Peace!” talked of.
27. And the people of the right, Oh what (happiness awaits) the people of the right!
28. Amid thornless lote-trees,
29. And banana-trees (with fruits) piled one above the other,
30. And shade spreading out,
31. And water flowing,
32. And abundant fruit,
33. Neither failing (by season) nor forbidden.
34. And on thrones exalted.
35. Verily We have created them (maidens) a special creation.
36. And made them pure virgins,
37. Lovable (by nature), of equal age,
38. For the people of the right.
39. Many of the first group,
40. And many of the latter one.
41. As for the people of the left, - Ah! What (wretches) are the people of the left!
42. In scorching wind and scalding water,
43. In the shadow of a black smoke,
44. Neither cool nor graceful.
45. Verily they were before that extravagant (spendthrift).
46. They used to persist in heinous sins,
47. They used to say: “When we die and become dust and bones, shall we even then be raised up again?
48. “And our fathers of yore, too?”
49. Say (O Muhammad): “Verily the ancient, and the later ones,
50. “Shall all be gathered together, to the tryst of the known Day.”
51. Then verily you who went astray and falsified,
52. Shall certainly eat of the tree of Zaqqum,
53. And fill your bellies therewith,
54. And drink over it of boiling water,
55. Then you shall drink of it as thirsty camels drink.
56. This shall be their repast on the Day of reckoning.
57. It is We Who created you; why then do you not admit the truth?
58. Have you seen what (sperms) you emit?
59. Is it you who create it, or are We the Creators?
60. It is We Who have decreed death among you, and We are not to be frustrated.
61. To Us is the changing of your forms, and raising you in forms that you do not know.
62. And indeed you know the first growth; why then do not you reflect?
63. Have you seen what you sow?
64. Is it you who grow it or are We the growers?
65. Had We willed, We could have crumbled it to dry bits, and you would be left only to lament.
66. (Saying): “Verily we have been burdened with loss!
67. “Nay! We are deprived (of benefits).”
68. Have you seen the water which you drink?
69. Is it you who send it down from the heavens or are We its senders?
70. Had We willed, We would have made it salty; why then do not you offer thanks?
71. Have you seen the Fire which you kindle?
72. Is it you who produce its tree, or are We the producers?
73. It is We Who have made it a reminder and a provision for the needy ones.
74. So hallow is the name of your Lord, the Great.
75. Nay! I swear by the setting of the stars,
76. And it is a great oath, only if you knew,
77. That is an honourable Qur’an,
78. Embedded in a Book,
79. None touch it save the purified ones.
80. Revealed by the Lord of the worlds.
81. Do you then hold even this statement with scorn?
82. And have you made your sustenance that you should declare it false?
83. Why then do you not help when (the soul of the dying man) comes up to the throat?
84. And you then (remain) only gazing.
85. And We are nearer to him than you, yet you do not perceive Us.
86. Why, then, if you are not in bondage (to Us),
87. Do you not send the soul back, if you are truthful?
88. Then if he is of those drawn nigh (to God),
89. (For him is then) rest and happiness, and a delightful garden,
90. And if he is of the people of the right,
91. Then peace be unto you from the (other) people of the right.
92. And if he is of those who have falsified, staying,
93. Then he shall have an entertainment of boiling water,
94. And the burning of Hell-fire,
95. Verily this is the certain truth.
96. Hallow therefore the name of your Lord, the Great.

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