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The Pleading Woman (Al-Mujadilah) -58


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 58
58 Al-Mujadala

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. God has indeed heard the statement of the woman pleading about her husband and petitions God; verily God hears the contention of both of you; God is all-Hearing, all-Seeing.
2. Those of you who abandon any of their wives through zihar, their wives are certainly not their mothers. Their mothers are only those who gave birth to them, and they certainly utter a word that is hateful and false; verily God is pardoning, oft-Forgiving.
3. Those who abandon any of their wives through zihar and then recall what they have uttered may free a captive before touching each other, that you may be admonished; verily God is well-Aware of whatever you do.
4. But whosoever finds no means (to do so), then he may fast for two consecutive months before touching each other. Whosoever is not able to do so shall feed sixty needy ones; that is so in order that you may believe in God and His Messenger; these are the bounds set by God; as for the disbelievers, there shall be a painful chastisement.
5. Verily those who oppose God and His Messenger shall be humiliated as those before them were, and indeed We have sent down clear signs, and for the disbelievers there shall be a humiliating torment.
6. On the Day when God raises them all to life and informs them of what they did, God has encompassed (everything) in His record; while they might have forgotten it, and God is a Witness over all things.
7. Do not they see that God knows whatever is in the heavens and the earth? Nowhere does any secret counsel between three persons take place except that He is their fourth, nor between five except that He is their sixth, nor between less than that nor more except that He is with them wherever they may be. Then He will inform them of whatever they did on the Day of Judgment; verily God well knows all things.
8. Do you not see those who have been forbidden secret counsels, yet they return to what has been forbidden and they (still) hold secret counsels to sin and revolt and in disobedience of the Messenger. When they come to you, they do not greet you as God greets you, and they ask themselves: “Why does God not chastise us for what we say?” Hell suffices them; they shall enter it-what a wretched destination it is!
9. O you who believe! When you counsel each other, do not counsel in secrecy, nor should you counsel to sinning and revolting and disobeying the Messenger, but counsel among yourselves for goodness, and restrain yourselves; fear God to Whom you shall all be gathered.
10. Secret counsels are only Satan’s, that he may cause mischief to those who believe, but he shall not harm them in the least except with the permission of God; upon God alone depend those who believe.
11. O you who believe! When it is said to you “Make room in your assemblies,” then do make room. God will make room for you. And when it is said to you to rise up, then do rise up, God will exalt in ranks those who believe among you, and those who have been granted knowledge, and God is all-Aware of whatever you do.
12. O you who believe! When you (wish to) consult in private with the Messenger, then offer something in charity before your consultation; that is better for you and purer. But if you find no means to do so, then verily God is oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
13. Do you restrain against giving alms before your consultation? Since you did not do it, and God turned to you (with mercy), then keep up (regular) prayer, and pay zakat and obey God and His Messenger; God is all-Aware of what you do.
14. Have you not seen those who befriend the ones on whom the Wrath of God has fallen? They are neither of your party nor are they of theirs; they swear for falsehood while they know (what you do).
15. For them God has prepared a severe penalty; verily evil is what they do.
16. They make their oaths a shield, and they obstruct (others) from the Way of God; so, for them shall be a humiliating torment.
17. Never shall they avail aught against God, nor their wealth nor children. They are fellows of the Fire; they shall forever abide therein.
18. On the Day when God raises them all, they will then swear to Him as they (now) swear to you, and they deem that it will avail them. Nay! Verily they are liars.
19. Satan has gained hold of them, so he made them forget the remembrance of God. They are Satan’s party. Beware! Verily the party of Satan are the losers.
20. Those who are opposed to God and His Messenger will surely be most humiliated.
21. God has decreed: “I shall prevail; I and My Messenger.” Verily God is the Almighty, the ever- Prevalent.
22. You shall find no people who believe in God and the hereafter to befriend those who oppose God and His Messenger, be they even their own fathers, sons, brothers, or kinsmen; they are those upon whose hearts God has inscribed faith, and He has strengthened them with a spirit from Him; He will admit them into gardens beneath which rivers flow. They shall abide therein with God well-pleased with them, and they will be well-pleased with Him. They are the party of God. Be it known that surely the party of God alone shall be the successful ones.

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