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The Pen (al-Qalam) -68


Recitation by: Maher Al Meaqli
Suras 68
68 Al-Qalam

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In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Nun; by the pen, and by what they write,
2. You (Muhammad), by the grace of your Lord, are not insane.
3. Verily there is for you a reward without an end.
4. And most certainly you stand on a sublime standard of morality.
5. So you will see, and so will they too,
6. Which of you is demented.
7. Verily your Lord best knows who strays from His Way, and He knows best those who are rightly guided.
8. So do not yield to the falsifiers;
9. They wish that you too should be pliant so that they would be pliant.
10. And do not yield to any despicable swearer,
11. Defamer, slanderer,
12. Vehement hinderer of good, uncontrolled transgressor, deeply sunk in sin,
13. Cruelly violent, besides all that, baseborn.
14. Just because he has wealth and sons,
15. When Our signs are recited to him, he says: “Stories of yore.”
16. We will brand him on the snout.
17. Verily We will try them as We tried the owners of the garden. They vowed that they would certainly gather the fruits at morn,
18. They made no room for exception (for the will of God),
19. So it was encircled with destruction from your Lord, even while they were asleep,
20. And it became like a black barren soil,
21. And they cried out one to another at morn:
22. “Be early at your tilth if you would gather (the fruits).”
23. And they went whispering to each other,
24. Saying: “No poor man shall ever enter it today.”
25. At morn, they went strong in their resolve (to prevent the poor).
26. But when they beheld it, they said: “Verily we have strayed.
27. “Nay! We are deprived (of its fruits).”
28. The most just among them said: “Did I not tell you that you should glorify (God)?”
29. They said: “Hallowed is our Lord! Verily we have been unjust.”
30. Then some of them proceeded against the others, reproaching each other.
31. They said: “Woe unto us! Verily we have been arrogant;
32. “Haply our Lord will give us in its place a better one; verily to our Lord do we turn (repenting).”
33. Such has been Our chastisement, and certainly the chastisement of the hereafter is still greater, if they but know it.
34. Verily the pious are with their Lord in the gardens of bliss.
35. Shall We make the Muslims like the guilty ones?
36. What is the matter with you? How do you judge?
37. Or have you a scripture to read-
38. Wherein there is for you what you choose?
39. Or have you a sworn covenant from Us reaching to the Day of Judgment that you shall surely have whatever you judge?
40. Ask them which one of them will guarantee that.
41. Or have they any partners (unto Us), if they are truthful?
42. On the Day when the shin is laid bare, and they shall be called upon to prostrate in obeisance, but they shall not be able (to do so).
43. Casting their looks down, abasement covering them, and indeed they had been called upon to prostrate in obeisance, while they were still healthy.
44. So leave Me and him who belies this announcement. We will lead them on (to ruin) by steps from whence they do not know.
45. And yet respite them for My stratagem is firm.
46. Or do you ask them for a recompense, that they are burdened with a load of debt?
47. Or is the knowledge of the unseen with them, (so much so) that they write it down?
48. So wait patiently for the judgment of your Lord. Do not be like the fellow of the whale. He cried when he was confined.
49. Had no bounty from his Lord reached him, he would certainly have been cast forth on the naked shore in disgrace.
50. But his Lord chose him and made him one of the righteous.
51. And those who disbelieve would almost smite you with their eyes when they hear the reminder, and they say: “Verily he is mad.”
52. It is naught but a reminder to the worlds...

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