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Bani Umayyad - Islam Guidance

  • Imam Husain's (A.S) prior knowledge of his Shahadat

    روي الطبراني قال: قال أبو جعفر: وحدثنا سفيان بن وكيع، عن أبيه وكيع، عن الأعمش، قال: سمعت أبا صالح التمار يقول: سمعت حذيفة يقول: سمعت الحسين بن على يقول: والله ليجتمعن على قتلى طغاة بني امية ويقدمهم عمر بن سعد وذلك في حياة النبي صلى الله عليه وآله. فقلت له أنبأك بهذا رسول الله ؟ قال (لا، فأتيت النبي فأخبرته، فقال علمي علمه، وعلمه علمي، وأنا لنعلم بالكائن قبل كينونته

    Abu Jafar said, Narrated to me Sufyaan bin Waqea, from Al-Aamash. Who said, I heard Abu Saleh Al-Tammar saying, He heard from Huzaifa who said:
    "I heard Al-Husain bin Ali He said, "By Allah, the tyrants of Bani Umayyad will gather for killing me and they will be led by Umar bin Saad. And this incident happened in the life of the Prophet (P.B.U.U&H.P).
    I (Huzaifa) said to Imam Husain, "Did Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) give the news of this to you?” Imam Husain said, 'No'.
    I (Huzaifa) then went to the Prophet (P.B.U.U&H.P) and informed Him of what occurred.
    Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) said, "My knowledge is His Knowledge and His knowledge is My Knowledge. And verily, we have the knowledge of things before they occur."
    [Source: Dalaail Al-Imamah, P 183-184]
    This incident clearly shows that the Imam's (A.S) have knowledge bestowed by Allah (S.W.T) from the very beginning and it is not that the Imam's (A.S) get knowledge only after they get the responsibilities of Imamate.

    Ref: Marefate AhleBait (A.S).com

  • Jealousy

    Jealousy is a very dangerous and destructive disease, which afflicts most people. Very few people are protected from its destruction. Jealousy is dangerous both on the individual as well as the social level. Like termites, it causes gradual destruction of the individual on a personal level, and the society at large.
    And for ‘Imaan (Faith)’, it is as dangerous as fire is, for dry wood.
    Jealousy means to be disgusted and upset about a bounty conferred on another person, and to hope that the person is deprived of the bounty. For instance, to be jealous of a brilliant student who has passed his exam, and wish that he had failed. Or to be jealous of a profit earned by a businessman and wish that he had suffered a loss instead.
    It is this jealousy which prevented Satan from prostrating in front of prophet Adam (A.S), and as a result, he became the subject of Allah’s anger. In reality, Satan could not stand the honor and esteem that prophet Adam (A.S) enjoyed near Allah. Similarly in his jealousy, Qaabeel killed Haabeel, and the brothers of prophet Joseph (A.S) threw him in to the well. It was nothing but envy, which compelled Bani Umayyad to oppose Islam, and prevented them from accepting the prophet Hood of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H&H.P) and Imamate of the commander of the faithful (A.S). Thus, the greatest affliction of jealousy is that it prevents a person from accepting the truth.
    No wonder Imam Sadiq (A.S) warns:
    "Jealousy destroys the faith as fire destroys wood."
    (Usul-e-Kafi, vol. 2)
    In another tradition he (A.S) declares:
    Foundation of disbelief (kufr) is based on three things:
    1) Greed
    2) Pride
    3) Jealousy.
    If one is jealous of Allah’s bounties like health, intelligence, wealth and stature, bestowed on others, then that person is in fact disputing with Allah’s Judgement and this takes a person closer to infidelity and polytheism. Instead of being jealous one should pray to Allah to bestow on him those bounties, as Allah’s treasures are limitless and Allah is not troubled in granting bounties to His creatures.
    Jealousy is not the means for acquiring success. Instead, one should strive for success, by struggling for it in a legitimate manner, constantly seeking Allah’s help and Imam’s (A.S) guidance. One who is jealous should realize that his jealousy will not affect the other person in the least, but he will only harm himself.
    Therefore, one must refrain from jealousy, and should seek Allah’s protection from this spiritual disease. By pondering over the verses of Surah Falaq we become aware of the destructive effects of jealousy.

    Adopted from: Al Muntazar

  • Yazid Ibn Muawiyah

    How on earth can these traditions apply for a beast like Yazid Ibn Muawiyah, who Fought against and mercilessly martyred Imam Husain (A.S), his family and friends Was a transgressor who committed sins publicly and announced his disbelief freely becoming a part of the renowned poems of Ibn al-Zabari, which he (Yazid) recited in joy when the severed head of Imam Husain (A.S) was brought to him.
    He was the one who ordered Muslim Ibn Aqabah to kill and plunder the people of Madinah on three occasions. During these attacks, he killed a number of companions and the city of Madinah was totally ransacked. It was during these attacks that more than 1000 Muslim virgins were raped and whenever a Muslim from Madinah offered his daughter in marriage, he did not guarantee her virginity saying, perhaps, she has lost her virginity during the Tragedy of Haraa. It is said that four thousand illegitimate children were born after this incident. Muslim, in his Saheeh, reports that the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H&H.P) warned, whoever frightens the people of Madinah, Allah will frighten him and upon him is the curse of Allah, the angels and all mankind. [Murooj al-Zahab, vol. 3, pg. 69.]
    Waaqedi narrates on the authority of Abdullah Ibn Hanzalah, By Allah! We did not visit Yazid but that we feared a stone falling on our heads from the sky (as a divine punishment) because he was a man who married his mothers, daughters and sisters, drank wine, did not pray [Taarikh al-Khulafaa, pg. 209] and he is the one who had ordered the attack on the Holy Kaaba.
    Suyuti and others report on the authority of Nawfil Ibn Abi al-Furaat, I was with Umar Ibn Abd al-Aziz, when a person while mentioning Yazid, said, the chief of the faithful, Yazid Ibn Muawiyyah. On hearing this, Umar Ibn Abd al-Aziz (became angry) and asked, you call Yazid as Ameerul Momineen? And ordered that he be whipped 20 lashes. [Al-Sawaaeq al-Mohreqah, pg. 219, printed at Cairo; Taarikh al-Khulafaa, pg. 209, printed at Egypt.]
    It is mentioned in Al-Sawaaeq that it was said to Saad Ibn Hassan, The Bani Umayyad claim that the caliphate is among them. He retorted, the sons of the blue-eyed (referring to Hind the wife of Abu Sufiyan) are lying. They are mere kings; nay, the worst of kings.

    Taken From: Serat Online

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