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Miracles - Islam Guidance

  • Babies Who Spoke

    So relate the stories that perhaps they will give thought.” (7:16)
    History is filled with stories about miracles and happenings that we today consider ‘supernatural’. Each miracle serves a purpose and is suited to the circumstances it is in. Learning about these ‘miracles’ helps strengthen the attachment to our beliefs and principles.
    In this article, we discuss one phenomenon that today we agree is ‘impossible’, but history has served us with numerous examples of it happening. That phenomenon is babies speaking a comprehensible language.

    Prophet Jesus (A.S)
    By far, the most prominent case and the one that is directly mentioned in the Qur’an is Prophet Jesus (A.S) speaking after his birth. This was a miracle that Prophet Jesus was armed with in order to spread the message of God.
    When the people came to Lady Maryam (S.A) and accused her of being unchaste, she remained silent and pointed to the baby. At that point, God gave the power of speech to Prophet Isa, who spoke and introduced himself to everyone and mentioned some of his qualities. In essence, this speech from the baby was proof for every one of the status of Prophet Isa and his mother. Also, it was a direct answer to the accusations that the people made towards Lady Maryam. This story is recounted in the 19th chapter of the Holy Qur’an.
    The Witness of Prophet Joseph (A.S)
    In the story of Prophet Joseph(A.S), Zulikha accused the prophet of trying to seduce her when in fact she was the one who did so. When the king was questioning both, Prophet Yusuf told him what happened. It was at that point that Allah inspired Prophet Yusuf to point to a baby which was still in a cradle. Prophet Yusuf then told the king to question the baby. Allah gave the power of speech to that baby, who said, “If his shirt is torn from the front, then she has told the truth, and he is of the liars. But if his shirt is torn from the back, then she has lied, and he is of the truthful.” (12:26-27) It was that baby who became a witness through the will of Allah and was the one who saved the Prophet of Allah from being wrongfully accused by Zulikha. (Bihar Al-Anwar)

    Son of the Hairdresser of Pharaoh’s Daughter
    The hairdresser of Pharaoh’s daughter secretly believed in Allah and Prophet Moses. One day, while she was combing the hair of the daughter, the comb fell. As she picked it up, she said “In the name of Allah”. The daughter surprisingly asked, “[Do you mean] my father?” The hairdresser replied, “No, but my Lord, and the Lord of you and your father.” The daughter told the Pharaoh about the hairdresser’s secret faith, so Pharaoh punished her by throwing her children one by one alive into a blazing fire. The hairdresser was patient as she saw her kids martyred before her very eyes. But her last child was a newborn, a baby! She was devastated. It was at the point that Allah gave the hairdresser that last surge of patience and hope through her baby son. Allah let the baby speak, and he told his mother, “Have patience, mother, because you are on the right path.” Upon hearing these words, she stood there armed with more patience than ever, and she was martyred right after her son. (Bihar Al-Anwar)

    The Baby from the Companions of the Trench
    This story is similar to that of the hairdresser of Pharaoh. The companions of the trench were those who followed a prophet sent by Allah, but the disbelievers fought him and hurt him until he was martyred. Then they dug trenches and filled them with fire, warning everyone to either abandon the prophet and his path or be thrown in the ignited trenches. Many people feared for their lives and abandoned the right path. Only a few held on to what they believed in, and they were consequently martyred. These are the companions of the trench mentioned in the Qur’an in chapter 85, verse 4.
    One lady from these true followers was willing to throw herself into the fire, but then she saw her newborn, who was only two months old. She pitied him and was close to abandoning martyrdom. Just like in the story of the hairdresser of Pharaoh, Allah let the baby talk. The baby told his mother, “O mother, throw yourself and me in the fire. This is little in [the way] of Allah.” (Bihar Al-Anwar)

    A Final Look
    Indeed, history is filled with fascinating stories. And what we consider today as ‘impossible’ has repeatedly occurred throughout history. Given these multiple examples of babies speaking, it is rather ironic that people have a hard time believing that our Infallibles (peace be upon them) testified to God’s Oneness as soon as they were born.
    Yes, when Imam Mahdi (A.S) was born, his father Imam Askari (A.S) held him and told him to speak, and Imam Mahdi (A.S) recited the testimony of faith. And according to narrations, on the seventh day, Imam Mahdi (A.S) recited the following verse: “And we wish to confer favor upon those who were oppressed in the land and make them leaders and make them inheritors.” (28:5) (Kamal Al Deen Wa Tamam Al Ne’ma)
    And similar stories regarding the Prophet, Imam Ali, and the rest of Ahlul Bayt (A.S) exist, and if Allah made other babies in history speak, is it really difficult for Him to make the best of all people speak when they were babies?
    No, and “indeed, Allah is over all things competent.”

    Taken From: Islamic Insight

  • Miracles of Quran

    The function of mountains
    The Quran draws attention to a very important geological function of mountains.
    We placed firmly embedded mountains on the Earth, so that it would not move under them.” (Al-Anbyia, 31)
    As noticed it is stated in the verse that the mountains has the function of preventing shocks on the Earth. This fact was not known by any one at the time the Quran was revealed. It was in fact brought to light recently as a result of the finding of modern geology. According to these findings mountains emerge as a result of the movement and collision of massive plates forming the earth crust. When two plates collide, the stronger one slides under the other. The one on top bends and forms the heights the mountains. The layer beneath proceeds under the ground and makes a deep extension downward. That means that mountains have a portion stretching downwards as large as the visible portion on the earth. In a scientific text the structure of mountains is described this follows. Where continent are thicker as in mountain ranges the crust sinks deeper in to the mountain. In a verse this role of the mountains is pointed out through comparison with pegs. Have we not made the earth as a bed and the mountain is pegs? Mountains, in other words, clings the plates in the earth crust together by extending above and beneath the earth surface at the conjunction points of these plates. In this way they fix the earth crust and prevent it from drifting over the magnet strengths or among its plates. Briefly, we may liken the mountains to nails that keep wood pieces together. This fixing function of the mountains is defined in scientific literature with the term “Isostasy”.
    This vital role of mountains that was discovered by the modern geology and science research was revealed in the Quran centuries ago as an example of supreme wisdom in God’s creation.

    The movement of mountains
    In one of the verses were informed that the mountains are not as motionless as they seem that they are in constant motion. You will see the mountains you reckon to be solid, going pass like clouds. Such as the artistry of God who disposes of all things in perfect order, surely he is aware of what you do. This motion of the mountains is caused by the movement of the earth crust that they are located on. The earth crust sort of float over the melted layer which is denser. It was the beginning of the twentieth century when for the first time in history a German scientist by the name Alfred Wegener proposed that the continents of the earth had been attached together at the initial phases of the world, but then drifted in different directions and thus separated their moves from each other. Geologists understood that Wegener was right, only in 1999, fifty years after his death.
    Discovered as a result of the geological research carried out at the beginning of the twenty century this movement of the earth crust is explained by scientists as follows:
    There is a very important point to be stated here. God has referred to the motion of the mountains as a drifting action in the verse. Today modern scientists also use the term continental drift for this motion. Unquestionably it is one of the miracles of the Quran that the scientific facts which has been recently discovered by science.

    Ref: Shia defender

  • Water

    More than half your body weight is water. Animals and plants on Earth are mostly water. All life in our universe also needs water. When scientists search for life on explants they only look for planets with water; No water no life. However Moslems knew about this 1400 years before it was discovered.
    Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the Earth were meshed together then We ripped them apart? And then We made of water everything living? Would they still not believe? (Quran 21.30)
    In the Quran all life, on Earth and in the heaven, depends on water.
    How could an illiterate man who lived 1400 years ago have known that all life in the universe also needs water?
    Water covers about 71% of Earth's surface. This is also the same ratio the word "Sea" and word "Land" appear in the Quran. "Sea" 32 times and "Land" 13 times. The ratio of "Sea" to the total (Sea + Land) = 32/(32+13) = 71%.

    Ref: Miracles of Quran

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