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Bahlool stories - Islam Guidance

  • Bahlool and the commander of Kufa

    Ishaq bin Mohammad bin Sabah was the commander of Kufa. His wife bore him a daughter. For this reason the commander was very sad and depressed. He stopped eating and drinking. When Bahlool heard about this he went to the Amir and said, "O the commander, why this sorrow and grief?"
    "I hoped for a son, but regretfully, my wife had a daughter."
    "How would you like it if Allah gave you, instead of these beautiful hands and feet, and a healthy and perfect girl, a crazy boy like me?"
    The commander of Kufa laughed uncontrollably at Bahlool's speech, thanked Allah, ate his meal and drank water, and permitted people to come and congratulate him.

    Ref: Stories of Bahlool

  • Harun Asks Bahlool a Question

    One day Harun was intoxicated and was sitting in a place on the corner of the river, busy watching the spectacle being made by the water waves. Meanwhile, Bahlool arrived. Harun gave a drunken laugh, and then gave Bahlool a happy, warm welcome, and ordered him to sit down.
    A little while later Ha Harun said, " Bahlool, today I am going to ask you a matter. If you give the right answer I will give you 1,000 Dinars; if you can't answer, I will give the order to throw you from this palace into the river.
    Bohlool said, "I don't have any need for the Dinars, but I will accept your offer on one condition."
    Harun accepted so Bahlool said, "If I correctly answer your question then you must free 100 friends of mine that are in your prison; if I don't answer correctly, you have the right to throw me in the river."
    So, Harun asked, "If I have one goat, one wolf, and a bundle of grass, and I want to get them one by one from this side to the other side of the river; then in which order should they be taken so that the goat can't eat the grass and the wolf can't eat the goat?"
    "First leave the wolf and take the goat across the river. Then come back and take the grass, leave it there, but bring the goat back. Now leave the goat here and take the wolf to the other side. Leave it there, come back alone, and then take the goat. This way one by one, they can all be safely taken across the river. Neither will the goat eat the grass, nor will the wolf eat the goat."
    Harun exclaimed, "Bravo! You gave the correct answer."
    Then Bahlool told the names of his 100 friends who were all in all believers of the Holy Imam. The scribe wrote these names down; but when Harun received the list, saw and recognized the names, he broke his promise. Later, after listening to Bahlool again, he only freed and forgave ten people.

    Ref: Shia Search

  • Junaid and Bahlool

    Bahlool simulated madness, though he was not mad. Junaid a scholar and Sufi or repute, knew him very well. One day as they met, Junaid requested him to give him some counsel and admonition.
    "You do not need any advice. You are a well known learned man." Bahlool said.
    But Junaid insisted. Bahlool gave in and said: "Well, I shall ask you three questions.  If you answer them correctly, you will be advised."
    And then he proceeded to ask:
    "Do you know how to talk?"
    "Do you know how to eat?"
    "Do you know how to sleep?"
    Junaid found these simple. He said:
    "I know how to talk. I talk with a low voice, politely and to the point, so that the listeners are not at all offended. I eat after having washed my hands, say Bismillah before I commence, and chew the food properly. When I finish, I thank Allah.  Before I go to sleep, I do my ablution (Wudhu) and retire to a clean, Pak, bed. Then I bear witness to my faith and sleep."
    "Well," Bahlool said, "It is no use talking softly if it is a lie. It is all the worse. When talking, one must ensure that one speaks truth. That is the cardinal point. And when eating, remembering Allah over a food which is Haram, forbidden or usurped, has no meaning. You have to ensure that what you eat is Halal or that you are not misappropriating the funds of an orphan, a widow, a fellowmen. And what is the use of sleeping with ablution (Wudhu) and all the recitations if your heart is full of malice, jealousy and enmity towards your Faithful brother. He who sleeps with a clean heart sleeps a religious man. Do you understand? These are the principles. The rest are all secondary virtues."

    Source: Almujtaba Islamic Network

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